bd in limerick is hiring: we talk to a senior scientist to find out what it’s like to work there

If you have the opportunity to combine a satisfying career with an opportunity to have a real impact on the lives of people who need it, what to do at the BD research center in Ireland (RCI)in Limerick.
Her job is to make sure the cut
Edge medical products produced by BD are able to provide healthcare professionals with the tools they need for clinical diagnosis.
\"When you come out of your day-to-day work and think about the big picture of your actual work, it\'s very surprising,\" she admits . \".
BD\'s RCI is headquartered in Castletroy and employs 200 in the areas of software development, software testing, systems engineering, mechanical and electronic engineering, project management, quality and biological sciences (including immunology)
The company is a talented person in a variety of positions, so we KNOWLEDGE sat down with Patricia to understand how it feels to work at RCI.
The global medical technology company has more than 50 offices worldwide serving healthcare institutions, life sciences researchers, clinical laboratories, industry and the public.
It is the main employer of Irish medicine.
Technical departments and their countriesof-the-
The art facilities in Limerick are within the vicinity of Limerick University.
At RCI, where they bring products from concept to prototype to market, Patricia\'s role is to test throughout the process to ensure that their latest technology meets the purpose and meets the needs of the intended users.
One of Patricia\'s favorite jobs is the opportunity to work on a project from start to finish and completely immerse yourself in the development of the project.
\"From a purely scientific point of view, I like the speed of the development cycle,\" Patricia said . \".
\"I worked on a product for a year and a half or two and saw it mature into the product we put on the market, where scientists in hospital labs and healthcare professionals use it.
Patricia first studied biomedical science in NUIG before earning her PhD in biochemistry.
She was very familiar with BD products when doing research using flow microscopy (
Techniques for detecting and measuring the physical and chemical properties of cells or particles).
\"When you come from a research background using flow microscopy, you will soon understand that BD is a market leader and giant for flow microscopy,\" explains Patricia . \".
\"The Cell instruments we use in Galway are all BD products.
BD is the company that acquired this technical expertise.
\"When BD opened the RCI website and promoted a position involving flow cell development, Patricia seized the opportunity to have worked for the company for more than two years.
One of the advantages of working in RCI is the opportunity to work in the R & D department of the industry, creating and developing cutting
Edge products KNOWLEDGE to the market.
This is a collaborative process of developing new products, involving everyone from scientists to mechanical engineers to software designers as part of the creative process.
\"When you look at the medical device industry in Ireland, most of it is focused on manufacturing, so it\'s really refreshing to work in R & D at RCI, Patricia said.
\"Since BD is a market leader in this field, it\'s amazing to be at the forefront of new BD products --
See what happens next, what the next generation of technology is, and where the next application of this technology will go.
\"While it is exciting to develop innovative products, there is also a sense of responsibility when making products for the medical market.
Patricia noted that BD\'s software development, clinical research instruments and prototype development ultimately led to the creation of products that serve important medical functions.
\"There\'s always the incentive to improve-whether we have the latest technology, whether we\'re breaking the boundaries of the future, what hospital consultants need to help them make clinical decisions at the end of the day, we are creating tools to help form a medical diagnosis.
It is very important that we stand at the forefront of technology.
Patricia\'s collaboration with the system validation and validation team includes testing these new products using customer scenarios to assess their maturity and market readiness.
This means understanding the user experience, anticipating customer needs, and identifying any potential issues.
\"Once the development team has created new products, my job is to test if they meet the requirements of KNOWLEDGE our customers,\" Patricia added . \".
\"There are two aspects of testing.
In the verification, we asked if we built the product correctly.
In the verification, we asked if the right product was built.
\"Patricia provides an example of a product that is being used in hospital laboratories to detect HIV.
\"My job is to evaluate whether we have developed the product correctly,\" she said . \".
\"There are a lot of engineers and software professionals involved throughout the development process who can create amazing instruments, but we have to have a scientist\'s point of view, understand the ease of use of the product and whether it is suitable for its intended purpose.
\"So, as a scientist, I have to always consider the customer\'s point of view during the testing process, is that what I expect to see? Will this help me with my work? Part of my work also includes human factors and usability testing.
\"BD is a good place to work,\" Patricia said . \" She points out the benefits of career opportunities, a vibrant atmosphere, a great culture, flexible time and strong management attention to encouraging healthy work --life balance.
With decades of experience accumulated by their parent company in the US, RCI employees have a valuable KNOWLEDGE knowledge base, but encourage their Irish employees to embrace innovation and constantly break through boundaries.
\"You have the opportunity to go beyond your job and work in other areas,\" she added . \".
\"As an example, I am interested in learning more about human factors and the user experience of product development, which my management has encouraged me to pursue.
Therefore, there is a strong incentive to help employees develop their careers and empower them BASE


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